brief discourse on the FSF

I've spent a good part of the day flailing away at the keyboard trying to cram a lot of disparate thoughts about this weekend's news into a text file, but decided my three lines in the exchange below captured the moment as well as anything might for a while:

11:53 < me> welp, I guess it's the Follow Stallman Foundation now
12:27 < friend> was it ever not?
15:28 < me> for 15 months it looked like it might be able to transcend him
15:28 < me> but during libreplanet this weekend apparently he announced he would be returning to the board.

Fundamental to the way I've grown to see these things, we are better together, talking about this stuff, than we are each struggling along on our own. So, I owe my friend a debt of gratitude both for the prompt above and for the permission we arranged, casually but also crucially:

15:33 < me> friend: can I quote you in a public blog post, perhaps anonymized in the form of "<me>: welp, it looks like .../<friend>: was it ever not?/<me> for 15 months ..." etc?
15:34 < me> this may be the best combination of timely and succinct as I can put together right now.
15:35 < me> (to express hopes dashed)
17:07 < friend> go ahead
17:35 < me> thanks!


