From Introduction: Getting Started of the TIMEX User Manual: TIMEX/Sinclair 1000
by Steven Vickers with revisions by C.F. Durang
© 1982 Timex Corporation
© 1982 Sinclair Research Limited
Welcome to the world of computing. Before you plug in your new Timex/Sinclair 1000, please take a moment to think about this exciting new adventure. We want to assure you that:
- You will enjoy computing.
- You will find it easy as well as enjoyable.
- You shouldn't be afraid of the computer. You are smarter than it is. So is your parakeet, for that matter.
- You will make mistakes as you learn. The computer will not laugh at you.
- Your mistakes will not do any harm to the computer. You can't break it by pushing the "wrong" button.
- You are about to take a giant step into the future. Everyone will soon be using computers in every part of their daily lives, and you will have had a head start.
See also: