Joining RIT@FOSS

(This is in response to a long-standing GitHub issue for the RIT@FOSS program)

The FOSS@RIT community is a multifaceted manifestation of the larger, also multifaceted, global community of free and open source software users and developers.

There is no single, one true path for joining this community.

There are many ways you can involve yourself and grow in your use and support of free software and user freedom:

Read and keep up with the FOSS@RIT web site.

Attend FOSS hours meetings

Take a FOSS course, starting with HFOSS (IGME-582, Humanitarian FOSS Development)

Do a LibreCorps co-op

Introduce yourself at a FOSS hours meeting

Tell someone at FOSS hours what free software you use, why, what you like about it, what you don't like about it.

Write a bug report or a feature request for some FOSS or FOSS-related resource.

Help maintain a piece of free and open source software.

Develop and submit a patch to close a bug for some FOSS or FOSS related resource

Attend a different FOSS event on campus, like RITLUG

Attend a FOSS event off campus.

Present at a FOSS event.

Represent FOSS@RIT at an event.

Staff a table at an event.

Stay in touch with the FOSS@RIT community using any of a number of social media: IRC and associated bridges, mailing list, web site, Github presence, presence, RIT Gitlab, Discourse.

Subscribe to the FOSSRIT mailing list.

Seek help with using FOSS.

Mentor others in using FOSS.

Make art and release it under a FOSS-friendly Creative Commons license (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-SA).

Gather or generate data and release it under a FOSS-friendly Creative Commons license.


