I'd been aware of version control for years, in the pre-distributed era of CVS, as SVN started to be a thing. I never used it much other than sometimes to check out code to take a look at it. Usually tarballs were available and there seemed to be little point …
A semi-decentralized git workflow
So, for some ongoing projects I maintain what you might call a semi-decentralized, or a weakly-centralized, git workflow.
The basic set up is this. I have three repositories on which I might work on my projects: A home desktop, a laptop, and a virtual private server.
The VPS would be …
My Nuclear Triad
I started writing about my git workflow and it turned into a general description of my digital work habits, so I thought I'd break this out into its own thing.
I tend to use a trio of systems for most of my work: A laptop, a desktop system, and a …
Obligatory First Post
OK, I've messed around already several times with Python virtualenv environments and Pelican instances to try to get the hang of this, but now I've got a local working content directory and my remote web server 'update' location tied together via git, I've got my Markdown on, so maybe this …
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