1. Proprietary software used in a FOSS org is a bug

    In those late 20th century days of FOSS ascendancy, any adoption of FOSS by some organization, whether a business or a government, might be heralded loudly in headlines or comment sections or even by the organization PR departments themselves. Stencils proclaiming a company's "love" for Linux are the archetype from …

  2. brief discourse on the FSF

    I've spent a good part of the day flailing away at the keyboard trying to cram a lot of disparate thoughts about this weekend's news into a text file, but decided my three lines in the exchange below captured the moment as well as anything might for a while:

    11 …
  3. Comments on "Giving up on PGP"

    These are some slightly-expanded hot takes regarding I'm giving up on PGP (later republished at Ars)

    Several friends were discussing this last week & so I thought to pull my own comments from that discussion and extend them.

    Lots of emphasis in that on private communication, instead of on verifiable communication …

    Tagged as : security foss
  4. A small security file provenance mystery

    So, I have been half-heartedly version tracking the contents of /etc/pam.d.

    After having applied updates a while back, I've started working again recently in that directory to enable additional access controls.

    So, I see several files have been added or changed since last I made a commit, including …

    Tagged as : debian foss linux git security




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